Friday, June 14, 2013

So this is me

Here I am a former career women who worked 50+ hours a week, and now am a busy SAHM with two kids, one in the oven. I went from dreaming of being the VP of a big management company to looking up the best recipe for homemade bread and how to make my own soap. I started as never wanting children, to just one is ok but no more, and ended up with the however many we have is how many we have mentality. I was a liberal feminist turned conservative housewife. When I created this blog it was to journal my third pregnancy since I always mean to, but never do. Being the lovely procrastinator that I am this spot collected cyber dust while I went about life too busy to type. I sit here today with a new plan, such a lovely Gemini trait. Pregnancy blogs are so over done. Beautiful and unique in their own right, but over done. Instead I feel the urge to blog about my crazy life journey. I want to share what led me to live such a broad life of what others may consider extremes. I really want to share about how a liberal sexually fluid feminist became a conservative, hippy like, housewife.

My thoughts will scatter, and I will not make sense sometimes. I do not know all the answers, even about myself. This is my journey and it does not reflect nor speak for any other individual. I will piss people off. I will be vulnerable and opened to criticism. I hope that through sharing my life, I will reach out to someone who needed to hear what I say. If all else fails, I will get the purge I need.